The Home For Great Common Sense Business Ideas That Help!

If you have a small business and are often frustrated with 'challenges' that take away some of the enjoyment....

If you have a business where you work hard all of the time and it just never seems to quite 'make it' and give you enough headroom...

If you sit there tired frustrated and not yet rich enough to walk away...

then this is for you!

I shall share my thoughts and my ideas with the hope that they help. please, if you feel like you could do with a me and lets talk it through! You know what they say, a problem shared is a problem halved!

Yours with love

Monday, 14 February 2011

Business Training Ideas And Inspiration

What are you doing tomorrow night Tuesday  February 15th?
Business Booster McMillan Fundraiser
How about giving yourself the privilege of a fantastic night being inspired by
3 great speakers... potentially meeting  exciting new clients or supply partners...
AND help raise cash for McMillan Cancer support??
click here
Portland College, Mansfield, Notts  6pm - 9pm
Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Business Coaching and Nanny McPhee

“When You Need Me But Don’t Want Me, I Must Stay,,,When You Want Me But Don’t Need Me I Must Go” so said Nanny McPhee.

And when I heard that it struck me how similar the role of Business Coach is! All too often in the first instance the need isn’t seen by the client and so they don’t want you...until you get stuck-in and implement some changes that have quite dramatic effect on the business. Then the situation of wanting but not needing happily takes shape.

Whilst it is always nice on the ego to be ‘needed’ in truth the role of a true business coach,  in my humble opinion, is to become redundant. The goal always has to be teach them to think and grow and stand alone...very similar to a parenting or nannying in the Nanny Mc Phee context.

And so today,  I always draw encouragement from those potential clients who at first quite adamantly resist the mention of using a coach to help them improve things. As a business owner argues for the current scenario by saying that it is ‘just the economy’ or ‘just their industry’ or that ‘there is nothing that can be done’ I smile inwardly knowing that it is merely a need that isn’t visible to them.
(if you see a client that doesn’t think that they need a ‘coach’ or cannot see where they will benefit...but indeed you can see that they complain constantly about shortages of time, money or energy – then the truth is they are in the need of guidance and will massively benefit even tho they cannot see how so give them the Nanny McPhee line!).

How true it is that none of us can see what might happen until it happens...we do not know what we do not know...and thus we cannot visualise what might transform. We have no concept until our ‘eyes’ are opened and our mind stretched.

Out of love therefore, a coach is there to ‘open eyes’ so that minds can stretch, people can grow and improvements of lives can happen...and in that is the reward.
Not financial.
Not political or egotistical.
Merely a wonderful unspeakable inner knowing that in some small way whilst we have walked this planet we have made a difference. Giving and helping just because you can.
And in turn the coach seeks coaching to continue the upward growth and hope that we spin the wheel so that all eventually grow. A wonderful journey.
To learn, to give, to improve the lives of others – that is the coaching mission.
And when the client gains and enjoys the improvements that have been encouraged, with a wink like Nanny McPhee, he must fade away hopefully leaving an indelible memory and record of lessons never to be forgotten.
Join us in our mission and spread the word!
Have an awesome sharing day sharing.

Monday, 7 February 2011

Small Business Marketing Activity - a nudge!

" I am very busy when the phone rings"
That is what he said! at the risk of stating the obvious he was blatantly saying that if
it didnt ring he wasnt busy!

And so I ask, how many times have you said that "there is never enough time and
one is rushing and feeling pressured"

Answer: a lot!

Now the thing is here, the state of 'busy' was determined by incoming activity
and thus 'reactive', and the truth is many many business owners are actually in
the same trap...they are very busy and they do have lots of things to do...but these
are usually re-active tasks in response to either a production/job issue or in
response to staffing, logistics or internal workings.

Yes, busy, but not pro-active. Not generating new business.

I asked my client how he felt about that and he admitted that it was true and not
And so a suggestion...

Deliberately take a diary slot and make an appointment with yourself!
Create a reason to be busy. Create a scenario where you are not near the phone...
indeed pass the ringing phone over to another person or call handling supplier to
relieve you of the 'burden'.

By doing this you force yourself a) to fill the time and thus create a very powerful
discipline where you teach (remind? ) yourself that actually you are capable and
you can make it work and yes you are good enough to drive new enquiries!
and b) you allow for crucial time away from the coal face' where you can reflect and
plan and re-group your mental energies.

Stop! Stand Back...and give yourself the awesome power that you have inside of you...
allow a chance for it to come to the fore.

Allowing yourself to remain in a reactive environment - no matter how you argue
that it is 'needed' will only result in your business sliding back. As the natural effects
of attrition...where clients die off or move on...take effect you watch as your business
slowly dies! These are real issues. You can never expect to keep 100% of your client
base...and so it MUST be replenished. If you dont be proactive about this then one day
the phone stops ringing all together and you have no business!

"So before it is too late", I admonished," take back control. Give yourself power and
make it happen...make for yourself pro-active lead generation time, and allow for your
mind to work on ideas and optimism and positive thinking about what can really happen
if you just get off of that treadmill!"

And so we agreed, and I share a gentle nudge with you out of love...just a nudge to
encourage you to no longer argue for your limits but to Stop! Stand Back and proactively
make your business stand out!

Have an awesome 'deliberate' day!